Unveiling the Concept of “Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage” in Hindu Law: A Legal Analysis vis a vis Article 142 of the Constitution of India

Introduction: The ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage is not a ground for divorce under law. However,the Supreme Court in Shilpa Sailesh v. V. Varun Sreenivasan delivered on May 1, 2023 held that from now on, it can exercise its discretionary powers to grant divorce on this ground, albeit with great care and caution and … Read more

Article 142 of the Indian Constitution: Unraveling the Supreme Court’s Extraordinary Powers to do “Complete Justice”

Introduction: Article 142(1) of the Constitution of India reads:“142. Enforcement of decrees and orders of Supreme Court and orders as to discovery,etc.— (1) The Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or makesuch order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it,and any … Read more