Courts of Judicial Magistrates.

  1. (1) In every district there shall be established as many Courts of Judicial Magistrates
    of the first class and of the second class, and at such places, as the State Government may,
    after consultation with the High Court, by notification, specify:
    Provided that the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court,
    establish, for any local area, one or more Special Courts of Judicial Magistrates of the first
    class or of the second class to try any particular case or particular class of cases, and where
    any such Special Court is established, no other Court of Magistrate in the local area shall
    have jurisdiction to try any case or class of cases for the trial of which such Special Court
    of Judicial Magistrate has been established.
    (2) The presiding officers of such Courts shall be appointed by the High Court.
    (3) The High Court may, whenever it appears to it to be expedient or necessary, confer
    the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first class or of the second class on any member
    of the Judicial Service of the State, functioning as a Judge in a Civil Court.

Read also : Section 69 in THE BHARATIYA NYAYA SANHITA, 2023 – BNS

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